Currently, the Custom Close Reason #2 says,
Questions asking for freelancers to complete work are off-topic because it is essentially advertising, not asking answerable questions. If you need workers, you can check out Stack Overflow Careers. For more information, see the Help Center.
So, it declares off-topic posts that are essentially an advertisement of seeking freelancers.
But there is an opposite side of the problem, if a question is essentially an advertisement of offering OP's freelancing services. I've seen several posts of this nature, here's the most recent one:
Question: Shouldn't we elaborate the text to accommodate this concern? Like this (diff highlighted bold):
Questions offering freelancing services or asking for freelancers to complete work are off-topic because it is essentially advertising, not asking answerable questions. If you need work or workers, you can check out Stack Overflow Careers. For more information, see the Help Center.