I have been browsing the site for a couple of days, and I am honestly confused on how it is different from its sister site, The Workplace. The Workplace caters to a broader audience, however freelancing concerns are perfectly on topic there and freelancing questions seem to generally fare well. A few examples:
- As a freelance web developer, should I bill for my learning curve?
- When should I inform management that I have been approached by a competitor?
- Peaceful and professional way to drop out of a volunteer project that's gone bad
- What to do when recruiters don't count freelancing work as experience
If I'm not missing something obvious, all of the above would be on topic on Freelancing. I've even spotted a question that exists on both sites, in nearly identical form:
- How can we prepare for “getting hit by a bus”? (Freelancing)
- How can I prepare for getting hit by a bus? (Workplace)
I realize that Stack Exchange sites sometimes overlap. In fact, "freelancing and business concerns" questions are also on topic on Programmers, the main site I'm active on. But the boundaries between Programmers and Freelancing, and Programmers and The Workplace are clear; Programmers is industry specific, that's what sets it apart. That's not the case though with the boundaries between Freelancing and The Workplace (imho).
What are the key differences between the two sites? As a freelancer, when should I prefer to post my questions on this site, instead of on The Workplace?