It is Stack Exchange’s stance that every site have a team of moderators in order for that site to continue to be open in our network. Currently, this community is being moderated exclusively by Canadian Luke who has been doing a phenomenal job, Moderation of a community can be a lot to ask of one person and we should not expect them to bear the load alone. We’ve recently attempted to increase the moderator team size through two elections which have both failed due to a lack of candidates. These elections were held because help in moderating the site continues to be needed.
Having members of an SE site who are willing to step up as moderators has always been one of the thresholds for keeping a site alive. Without that, this site is in danger of shutting down. I’m here today with recommended next steps that the Community Management team had for this site to move forward. If there is true interest in keeping this site alive, we want to help you to be successful.
Recommended Solutions
Valorum asks a really good question, “Are there any strategies that have been successful in attracting potential candidates and how the community/existing moderation team can help with that process?” The short answer is yes. Whether these suggestions will make a difference will be up to the members of this community.
We recommend that members share some of the burden with the moderation team. This is done through activities like closing questions, editing poor content, working through the different queues, and general help to the community by increasing the activity on your Meta. These are ways to reduce the number of items that moderators have to work through and also keep a small mod team from burning out. We really are in this together! We’ve seen this suggested already by bytebuster. It isn’t a novel idea, but it certainly is a powerful one. Should the community rally itself to work in unison towards improving the quality and the amount of the content, moderation work can be reduced.
We’re also going to recommend a 4 month period before setting up another election for this site. Ideally, we’ll be looking for 1 additional moderator to join the team, though 2 would be ideal. This next election will help to bring those folks in. However, if there are candidates that identify themselves as nominees for an election before the 4th month, we would gladly move forward with an election much sooner. If we can’t find at least one more person willing to be a moderator on this site by that time, it will be shut down after the next election.
We’re hopeful that we can start seeing progress very soon and that in 4 months, at the time of the upcoming election, we’ll have people interested in joining the moderation team.