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Is this question appropriate for Freelance Stack exchange?

Is the following question about USPS 'Prepaid Postage' appropriate for Freelancing forum? What are the annual fees, costs and general requirements associated with USPS 'Prepaid Postage'? Also, can '...
John R's user avatar
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What to do when nobody follows through on a flag?

Another user left a comment on one of my questions calling me an "angry bigoted nerd". I would argue this clearly violates the "be nice" policy: ...
user45623's user avatar
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creating a couple of new tags

I don't have the required rep to create a couple of tags so I thought I'd ask here and perhaps someone else could do it. If there is another way to propose a tag without having the ability to do it ...
user6035379's user avatar
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Down Votes: The most accessible and most powerful tools of community moderation

We've talked about voting before and how important it is for the community's health. While up votes grant more privileges to members of our community, it's down votes that I wish to talk about today, ...
jmort253's user avatar
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How to reset hidden posts which needed moderator attention?

I hidden a few posts which were brought to my attention and that needed moderation. I am talking about posts found on How can I unhide them or reset all ...
Peter MV's user avatar
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A notification on posts waiting for review and there are not posts waiting for review

This is how my profile looks like There are 15 posts waiting for review. But when I go to review part, there is nothing but emptiness. What does this notification mean? Am I on the wrong page?
Peter MV's user avatar
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Inbox showing wrong number of answers

I asked a question today Should I offer to refund an upfront payment for a job I failed to complete? at Freelancing.SE. It has received 2 answers so far. But in inbox it shows 4 answers. I am not sure ...
user avatar
-2 votes
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Disagreement with an edit

I disagree with an edit on my recent post: How can a new freelancer judge the competition? The edit in question is by Mod: Robert Cartaino. Revisions:
bPratik's user avatar
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Question per Day Ratio mismatch

According to Area 51, our Question-per-Day Ratio is currently 16.3 but a moment ago, I saw the main page list 49 questions for our little community, and given that we've only been in private beta for ...
Kevin Ford The Submariner's user avatar
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Removing self-imposed community wiki

How can I get community wiki removed from an answer I submitted? The intention was never to make the answer community wiki but the checkbox is very close to the post button on mobile and I checked it ...
levelnis's user avatar
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