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Questions tagged [tag-synonyms]

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Tag synonym: working-from-home <--> remote

I'd suggest merging the working-from-home tag into the remote tag (as a tag synonym) since they pretty much cover the same topic.
waldyrious's user avatar
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Tag Synonym: Changes <--> Change Management

I've been adding some wiki definitions to our tags... We have a small number of questions tagged as changes but suggest that this term is a bit ambiguous, and recommend the (unused to date] tag ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Resume or CV/curriculum-vitae

Depending on where you are from in the world, you call the tool you use to promote yourself to potential contractors/employers a "Resume" (also "Résumé" or "Resumé"), or a "Curriculum Vitae" (also CV, ...
Amelia's user avatar
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While in beta, why does my reputation need to be so high to suggest tag synonyms?

I have been working on cleaning up the tags on the main freelancing site by suggesting tag wiki entries. I then came across two tags that were obviously synonyms - but I do not have a high enough ...
Phil's user avatar
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